
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!


Here we go 'round the mulberry bush ...

Do you remember that childhood song?
The first stanza was ~
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush,
So early in the morning.

Well, I'm not too sure about Mulberry Bushes, but we have Mulberry Trees.

So the question arises ... If you live in the country ... or even if you live in  town~
Do you teach your children what is safe to eat?

A few weeks back I overheard my grandson ask my husband if they could take a bike ride to the end of the road to eat berries. I just smiled. My daughter would have cringed. BUT, she was raised the same way. At the time we lived in a large town (suburb) outside Chicago. Down the block and around the corner from our house was a house that had a Mulberry Tree. When the berries were ripe and I could not see my children anywhere ... I knew where to look.

My children and grandchild have been taught what wild raspberries and strawberries look like. They have been taught what to look for when picking Mulberries. Tomorrow when my grandchildren are here, I'm sure the bowls will go out and you will find them ( and the dogs) enjoying a sweet summer treat.

Wordless Wednesday


Family ~ Thematic Photographic 149

This week, Carmi has chosen the theme ~FAMILY~
This was my family when I was 20
My parents are gone.
This was taken about a month ago when my siblings and I took a trip to New York. 

Wordless Wednesday

ABC Wednesday ~ U

U is for ~

Unicycle ~

About a month ago I took my first trip to New York City. It was a trip with my siblings who are spread out over the U.S. As in most "Big Cities", you can find "street performers" just about anywhere. 
We can across this young man in Central Park. Needless to say ... we were very impressed. Looking back and thinking ... how sad it is that someone this young is out on the street trying to earn a little money to help his family!  But I understand the concept all too well. We are more willing to give this young man a buck or 2 than an adult. There are many people out there who need help. We need to remember that we are only responsible for our reasons for helping. The person we give to is responsible for how they use our gift.

See more post on the letter "U" at  ABC Wednesday


Meet Me on Monday

Welcome to the 47th edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"

M.O.M. is a fun little meme over at Never Growing Old
Each Sunday Java will post four get to know you questions.

Today's Questions:

1.  What is was the last piece of candy that you ate?

I really don't eat much candy, but I'm thinking it was probably Runts.

2.  Do you "read" in the bathroom?


3.  I can't stand when someone _________?

is rude or out of control. Making their issues know to everyone.

4.  Do you do daily, weekly or monthly grocery shopping?

I try to go weekly.

So there you have it. 
Click on over to

 and see more posts .