I will be on vacation--- SPRING BREAK! NORMALLY . . . I would be hyper excited by now, however, excitement is slowly building. On Spring Break we normally go to Florida, lower Gulf side. My FAVORITE, #1 place to go.
This year we are going to Arizona. Arizona ranks as # 3 on my favorite places to go. Arizona is fine... but I'd much rather be at the beach. I LOVE THE BEACH!! I love the sand! I love the sound of the waves! I love walking the beach! I love finding shells! I love seeing tiny crabs and starfish. This is all amusing, seeing as I don't swim and I don't go in the water if the waves are big (I hate water splashed in my face), well . . . let's face it . . . I really don't go in the water at all. BUT---- I positively LOVE going to the beach in Florida!!
(Now that that's out of my system, let's move on.)
"THE GIRLS" got to pick Arizona. The reason for this choice . . . NO LONG WALK to the beach.
OK . . . first off . . . one of "THE GIRLS" is no longer going because of certain events that have happened in the last few months. The other "GIRL" told me this morning that if we were to do things that were far away from where we are staying . . . there had better be a "LOT of WALKING" involved so that she could sleep on the way home and not be bored. Go figure.
As it is, this is usually our "relaxing " vacation. Translated= lying around a pool, most days. But, because of a comment made about a new camera that I just purchased, I have looked into doing a little more than relaxing. The camera, a Pentax Optio W60, 10.1 Megapixel, 5x Optical/4x Digital Zoom, Waterproof Digital Camera, point and shoot. The comment, Arizona is a desert, no water. My response-POOL!
In thinking, of course, if you have never been to Arizona you might think it is all desert. But--- it is not. There are the huge, huge mountains in the north. ( The first time my husband went camping there his comment was, " If you had flown me in blindfolded, I would think we were in Michigan.") Up in the mountains there are lakes and streams, and there are even lakes at lower levels . . . MAN Made . . . but none the less lakes. I even found a "BEACH" at a lake near where we are staying.
Looking at sites online and thinking of all the great pictures that could be taken I would love to go to San Xavier del Bac Mission. (When my Grandparents lived in Tucson, you could see the Mission from their house, but I don't think I have ever been there.) I would also like to go to Colossal Cave, Tombstone or Bisbee, (visit some ghost towns in the area) and take a day trip through Sedona. As many times as I have been to Arizona ( I was born there), the only places that I know I have been are Sedona, the White Mountains, and the Grand Canyon. (Tiff, if you can come over and join us you are more than welcome.) So, in a few short weeks, come back to see the pictures and find out what adventures "THE GIRLS" took. SHHHH . . . don't tell my husband, this is "A GIRL'S" trip, the mention of "ghost towns" may make him want to tag along.