
Mellow Yellow Monday

WOW- the week went by fast! Here it is time again for Mellow Yellow Monday.
Today, I chose a plant from my garden. It is a ground cover under an Oak tree. I just LOVE the texture of the leaves and the tiny yellow flower under them.                                                                                

This Dead Nettle, Yellow Archer, grows 6 - 8 inches tall.

You can find more Mellow Yellow Monday posts here


Tina said...

Looks very beautiful.

My Mellow Yellow Posts:

The Recycling Loop

The Corsames

Self Sagacity said...

I like the looks of this flower, it's so different. I agree, the texture of the leaves is very unique.

Kim, USA said...

Amazes me how the leaves is so distinct. Awesome find for MYM. Happy Monday!

MYM~Table centerpiece

Dimple said...

I've seen this plant before, but didn't know what it was called. Dead nettle, that must explain why I thought of nettles when I saw just the tip of the top leaves!

Thanks for coming by!

JunieRose2005 said...

That's very pretty and unusual looking! :) At least it's unusual to me. I've never seen this plant!


Kerstin said...

I love your photos and the texture is amazing.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

delicate blossoms
golden, inconspicuous
under nettle leaves

Mellow Yellow Desert Dandelion