Did you just make a face? X is just as important as all the other letters. True, trying to find words that
begin with X can be challenging. They are few and most dictionaries don't even have one full page
of words that begin with the letter X. Of course, that would be American dictionaries. None the less,
I did find a word ... and better yet ... I have pictures to go with my word.
X is for ~
XERIC Garden
What the heck is that??
The definition of xeric is:
Characterized by, or adapted to an extremely dry habitat, relating to, or growing in dry conditions.
Succulents such as cacti, aloes, and agaves.
Last Spring we visited the Desert Botanical Gardens of Phoenix, Arizona
Thanks to the ABC Team members; Denise, Roger, Barb, Jay, Gattina, Sylvia, and Troy
for all the work and encouragement they do regarding ABC Wednesday,
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