

Welcome to the 3rd Coffee Klatch Friday!

I have been encouraged by those who have posted. It's always hard to start something new, especially at my age  (50 something) and after the first week it would have been easy to slate this Meme as a failure. Thank you Chris, for keeping after me to post. I am not sure how long this will last, but I am sure I will make new friends.

                               ~The Goal ~ 
To have a community of bloggers that are friends, that can come together once a week with ideas and support for one another. We all blog for different reasons. For some, it is to be heard, for some it is to share, and for some it may be acknowledgement. After all, many blogs are just your thoughts, feelings, and experiences ... that you share  ... and here it is easier. 

This week's . . . I want to say questions . . . but they are really more like statements.

Please list 10 random things that you have never done.

They don't have to be things that you would like to do. Just, maybe things that you know of others doing that you have not. You can elaborate as much or as little as you want.


No matter where you live, the weather is changing. 

Please share with us something that you do to prepare for this changing weather.

Looking forword to your post on Friday, Oct. 21!


Jo Black said...

Hey Vicki...

I'm a new follower and I'm linking up for this week's Coffee Klatch Friday! Looks like a great meme, and I look forward to making new friends and getting to know you better.


Mara said...

Came here through Flamblogger and thought what a great meme, I will join. I have written my post, but it still needs to show up on the simply link thingymebob.


Unknown said...

I hope I am not late at my posting for the Coffee Klatch Friday, I just posted mine today and had sent you a link.

looks like fun after seeing it over at flamblogger post which where I found your blog at.

You have a nice blog too!